About Us
Creating great content isn't easy.
We can help you with that.
We help companies create content that’s impactful to users while delivering on business objectives.
Fastidious about the quality of our work, we count some of the biggest brands in the world – brands like CNN, South China Morning Post, Foreign Policy magazine and Quest International – among our clients.
Trident Media’s team of highly experienced professionals offers solutions to media needs, from digital consultancy to editorial services, events and others.
“Marc Lourdes is a miracle worker and I’ve seen it for myself when Trident came on board with us for three months. Marc has immense hands-on experience at a range of global companies. To add to it all, he is easy and fun to work with, and full of smart, creative ideas.”

“In our business of Create, the brand studio for CNN International, the content we produce for the network’s advertising partners must meet the highest standards for quality and language, delivered at the pace of today’s media. Trident plays a vital role in achieving the standards CNN audiences expect and have made Create’s content reach greater heights.”

“Between The Lines is exactly what I have been waiting for because I get to read about local news that actually matters within 5-10 minutes (or less if you're fast!)”

“Between the Lines gives me all I need to know about current and world affairs. Wickedly witty at times and occasionally irreverent - but never disrespectful, they are generally impartial in their reporting and seemingly neutral in their political affiliations. ANYONE who is out of line in word or deed gets a good and proper tongue lashing. This newsletter is my morning pick-me-up!”

Client Testimonials
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Do you have feedback on our newsletter and our journalism? Whether it’s bouquets or brickbats, we’d love to hear from you.
And, if you’d like to engage us for any of our services, we’d love to chat and see how we can be of service.
Contact us here.