Kita Semua Penghasut
Jho Low is back ya'll!

Jho Low’s back ya’ll!

Well, Jho Low isn’t back in Malaysia, back. He’s still holed up in some luxurious hideout i̶n̶ ̶C̶h̶i̶n̶a̶ somewhere. Rather, the Billion Dollar Whale‘s surfaced in the news this week. Naturally, in this week’s Kita Semua Penghasut, Fahmi takes on Abang Jho.

So, international news org Al Jazeera somehow managed to dig up some old audio recordings of phone conversations the baby-faced smooth-talkin’ fugitive had (allegedly! allegedly!) with the previous Pakatan Harapan government back in 2018.

The ol’ boy expelled a whole lot of hot air through his blowhole in trying to bargain his way to freedom with the then-new gomen. Long story short, he’d proclaimed his innocence and pinned the blame for the multi-billion dollar (that’s USD$!) 1MDB heist entirely on ex-boss Najib Razak. Tough beans Jibby!

If he’d known how short-lived Pakatan’s reign would be, he might have spared himself the trunk-call charge. In the meantime, Malaysia’s white whale is still on the run, out of sight, but never out of mind.

Picture of Illustration by Fahmi Reza

Illustration by Fahmi Reza

Fahmi Reza is one of Malaysia's most iconic political graphic artists and activists. Using his wizardry with the pen and his wicked sense of humour, he calls out government and political incompetence and deceit through graphics and posters.

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