The PAU wasn’t so spicy after all

Despite promising fireworks, Umno’s AGM proves to be a rather duller affair this year with very few sparks. Still, it wasn’t without some drama and party chief Ahmad Zahid Hamidi comes out of it a happy man.

Elsewhere in today’s newsletter, VVIPs are in the spotlight over Covid-19 SOPs; youths rise up over Undi 18; and a footballer’s in trouble here for standing in solidarity with his countrymen in Myanmar.

Happy Monday folks!

Undi 18? More like Undi Never

Our Election Commission comes under a hail of criticism for postponing Undi 18. Which is fair – just what the hell has the EC been doing while the rest of us worked our asses off from home?

Elsewhere in our newsletter, there’s more trouble for youths as the reopening of schools takes a Covid toll; we delve into what bombs to expect at this weekend’s Umno AGM, and were former Pakatan Harapan leaders targets of an assassination plot? Hot diggity damn!

Who watches the watchmen?

It’s Police Day, and we should be celebrating our women and men in blue. But public trust in the force, already eroding, takes further beating thanks to recent claims and events.

Also in today’s newsletter, Myanmar nationals set for deportation get room to breathe; our Covid-19 immunisation plan rolls on despite hesitancy over one particular vaccine; and poor widdle PAS will have to hold its horses as there’s a snag in their gerrymandering plans.

16-tonne drug haul? That’s dope!

Some poor iddy biddy drug syndicate’s RM5.2bil poorer as our Customs Department seizes 16 tonnes of pills. It’s the biggest single narcotics haul in our history. Bloody hell!

In other news, the IGP’s refusing to bow to pressure to name the upstarts in the force seeking his ouster. And is the great PAS admitting to gerrymandering plans?
Oy vey!

Why isn’t Parliament opening?

It’s almost a month since the Agong green-lit sittings during the emergency, but them Parliament doors remain closed. Both the opposition and t̶h̶e̶ ̶q̶u̶a̶s̶i̶ ̶o̶p̶p̶o̶s̶i̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ Umno wanna know why.

Elsewhere in today’s newsletter, the gomen ramps up efforts to entice more Malaysians to register for Covid-19 vaccine; another tragedy hits the SUKE highway; and, are some graft cases are more equal than others?

And then a hero comes along…

Take a bow, Lee Zii Jia! The young man takes his place among Malaysia’s badminton greats after netting the All England prize.

Elsewhere in today’s newsletter, we take a look at testy Malaysia-North Korea ties; the new version of the Sheraton Move starring Anwar Ibrahim; and Najib Razak’s not-so-noble gesture.

Also, the K-word in Kamus Dewan suggests we’ve a ways to go to end racial discrimination.

Langkawi’s Artificial Islands: A Future Without Nature?

Known as the Jewel of Kedah, Langkawi –– an archipelago of islands nestled comfortably at the point where the Straits of Malacca and the great Andaman Sea meet –– has long been a popular holiday destination for Malaysians and international tourists looking to leave the bustle of dusty city life for Malaysian hospitality, sandy beaches and turquoise waters. But Langkawi’s popularity comes at a price.

Marine biologist DHIVYA NAIR makes a case for why heavy development and land reclamation could take more from the island than it claims it will give.

The ‘Allah’ issue’s a right royal mess

The “Allah” issue gets messier as the sultan of Johor has now waded into the issue, making his views on the matter very clear. And when the head of Islam of one of the country’s largest states speaks, people gotta listen.

In other news, the nation’s top cop cries out sabotage! He claims there’s a gang of young whippersnappers in the force seeking to kick him out. Meanwhile, it’s fisticuffs (verbal lah!) between our ex-prime minister and current vaccine minister!

More money, less fines?

Salam MCO folks! Today’s the first anniversary of the movement control order. As if to celebrate, our PM hints at an end to blanket MCOs and drops another multi-billion ringgit stimulus package (we’ve got the deets!).

In other news, a new tiered and discount system will hopefully reduce the sting of those hefty RM10k fines for MCO SOP violations. Also, there’s little love for Anwar Ibrahim’s possible hand-holding with Umno.

Strong, formidable… adequate?

PM-forever-in-waiting Anwar Ibrahim’s so-called big presser turns out to be a bit of a letdown. Still, he hints at a possible reunion with former Umno pals and insists he has the numbers to become glorious leader #9.

Elsewhere, the RM10k fine for violating MCO SOPs is here to stay; our gomen extends CMCOs for several states but makes certain allowances for upcoming festivals; and the fight over the word “Allah” continues.